We offer several options for Healing Heart Code sessions: In-Person, Telephone, Skype, Zoom or FaceTime, and Proxy. Each session is $80 per hour (this is a discounted rate from the standard fee of $100 per 20 min). Payment preferred at time of service; we accept checks, cash or PayPal.
In-Person session
This is an in-person session arranged by phone or email. We live in SW Colorado but frequently travel to other locations to conduct workshops or seminars. If you indicate an interest in this service, we will work with you to make final arrangements. All local sessions will be conducted in Montrose or Ridgway, CO.
Telephone, Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime session
This is a distance session focused on the issues which are bothering you the most. This session requires an appointment with you participating via phone, Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.
Proxy session
This session is available when other sessions cannot work for whatever reason (timing/technology etc.) You describe the issues/conditions to be explored on our contact page form and we let you know when we will be conducting your session(s).
We will send you a complete summary of our session work within 24 hours upon request. We work on pets and animals in the same ways and for the same fees.
Military Men and Women
Based on the success we have had using the Body Code system with all forms of PTSD and our gratitude for those who serve in our military...
We are committed to offering 3 FREE sessions for all current active duty personnel and veterans. Any additional sessions that are required will be offered at a discounted rate.
FREE: 30 Minute Healing Heart Code Consultation
Go to the 'Contact Us' Page and complete the short form.
We always like to emphasize that the Emotion Code™ and the Body Code™ are never to be used to treat disease; instead, they are used to remove the underlying causes of disease, allowing the body to heal itself. This may seem like a fine distinction, but it is important to point out. We allow the medical community to treat diseases. Here at Healing Heart Code we help you by removing imbalances.